List of Offered Books
  1. Luther Eisenhart, A Treatise on the Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces, Dover 1960. - 40 USD
  2. Luther Eisenhart, Riemannian Geometry, Princeton University Press, Princeton 1949. - 30 USD
  3. A. Gray, Modern Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces with Mathematica, 2nd ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton 1998. - 80 USD
  4. R. Hagedorn, Relativistic Kinematis, Benjamin, New York 1963. - 15 USD
  5. J. Lee, Riemannian Manifolds, Springer, New York 1997. - 30 USD
  6. A. S. Ramsey, Newtonian Attraction, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge 1961. - 15 USD
  7. E. Schmutzer, Grundprinzipen der klassischen Mechanik und der klassischen Feldtheorie, VEB Deutscher Verlag, Berlin 1973. - 15 USD
  8. Carl Wulfman, Dynamical Symmetry, World Scientific, Singapore 2011. - 60 USD