A List of Talks Sorted by the Last Name of the Speakers
Name   Katerina Polyakova
Talk   The generate parallel displacements along surface of projective space
Affiliation   Kaliningrad State University
Name   Alexander Rylov
Talk   Differential Geometry of Statistical Manifolds
Affiliation   Moscow University
Name   Yusuke Sakane
Talk   On compact symplectic nilmanifolds
Affiliation   Osaka University, Toyonaka
Name   Hajime Sato
Talk   Conformal, CR Structures And Differential Equations
Affiliation   Nagoya University
Name   Jurii Shevchenko
Talk   Connections in the bundles over holonomic and non-holonomic centerprojective manifolds
Affiliation   Kaliningrad State University
Name   Abhishek Singh
Talk   On Physical Meaning of matter waves: On quantum-relativistic fluctuations and propagation of matter in space.
Affiliation   India
Name   Alexandra Skriagina
Talk   The bunche of connections of the first type on the surface, generated by the plane
Affiliation   Kaliningrad State University
  4th Conference on Geometry, Integrability, Quantization
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Last updated: 02/06/2002