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Zbl 0843.22014 do Rocio, Osvaldo Germano; San Martin, Luiz A.B. Discrete semigroups in nilpotent Lie groups. (English) Semigroup Forum 51, No.1, 125-133 (1995). MSC 2000: *22E25 22A22 20M10, Reviewer: Ivaïlo M. Mladenov Zbl 0836.58017 McLachlan, R.I.; Scovel, C. Equivariant constrained symplectic integration. (English) J. Nonlinear Sci. 5, No.3, 233-256 (1995). MSC 2000: *37J99 70H33 70F20, Reviewer: Ivaïlo M. Mladenov Zbl 0832.70010 Iwai, Toshihiro; Katayama, Noriaki Multifold Kepler systems -- Dynamical systems all of whose bounded trajectories are closed. (English) J. Math. Phys. 36, No.4, 1790-1811 (1995). MSC 2000: *70F05 70H33 37J99, Reviewer: Ivaïlo M. Mladenov Zbl 0982.37019 Dellnitz, Michael Collision of chaotic attractors. (English) Ansorge, Rainer (ed.), Schlaglichter der Forschung. Zum 75. Jahrestag der Universität Hamburg 1994. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag. Hambg. Beitr. Wiss.gesch. 15, 411-428 (1994). MSC 2000: *37D45 37G40, Reviewer: Ivaïlo M. Mladenov Zbl 0845.58035 Maslov, V.P. Geometric quantization of thermodynamics, phase transitions, and asymptotes at critical points. (Russian, English) Math. Notes 56, No.3, 984-985 (1994); translation from Mat. Zametki 56, No.3, 155-156 (1994). MSC 2000: *53D50 82B26 41A60, Reviewer: Ivaïlo M. Mladenov Zbl 0833.39004 Razavy, M. Quantization of classical systems given by linear difference equations. (English) Hadronic J. 17, No.5, 515-524 (1994). MSC 2000: *39A10 81Q05 81S10, Reviewer: Ivaïlo M. Mladenov Zbl 0832.70009 Coti Zelati, Vittorio; Serra, Enrico Collision and non-collision solutions for a class of Keplerian-like dynamical systems. (English) Ann. Mat. Pura Appl., IV. Ser. 166, 343-362 (1994). MSC 2000: *70F05 70H05 37J99, Reviewer: Ivaïlo M. Mladenov Zbl 0851.22026 Paldus, J.; Li, X. Unitary group approach to valence bond and coupled cluster methods. (English) Gruber, Bruno (ed.), Symmetries in science VI: From the rotation group to quantum algebras. Proceedings of a symposium held in Bregenz, Austria, August 2-7, 1992. New York, NY: Plenum Press. 573-591 (1993). MSC 2000: *22E70 81R05 81V55, Reviewer: Ivaïlo M. Mladenov Zbl 0848.34006 Ibragimov, N.Kh. Group analysis of ordinary differential equations and the invariance principle in mathematical physics. (Russian, English) Russ. Math. Surv. 47, No.4, 89-156 (1992); translation from Usp. Mat. Nauk 47, No.4(286), 83-144 (1992). MSC 2000: *34A25 37C80 01A05, Reviewer: Ivaïlo M.Mladenov Zbl 0819.58018 Lerman, L.M.; Umanskij, Ya.L. Classification of four-dimensional integrable Hamiltonian systems and Poisson actions of $\bbfR\sp 2$ in extended neighborhoods of simple singular points. II. (Russian, English) Russ. Acad. Sci., Sb., Math. 78, No.2, 479-506 (1994); translation from Mat. Sb. 184, No.4, 105-138 (1993). MSC 2000: *37J35 37K10 34C05, Reviewer: Ivaïlo M. Mladenov Zbl 0816.22006 Iwai, Toshihiro; Uwano, Yoshio On symmetry groups of the MIC-Kepler problem and their unitary irreducible representations. (English) Shiohama, K. (ed.), Progress in differential geometry. Tokyo: Kinokuniya Company Ltd.. Adv. Stud. Pure Math. 22, 69-87 (1993). MSC 2000: *22E70 53D50 58H15, Reviewer: Ivaïlo M. Mladenov Zbl 0809.58016 Ivan, Gheorghe; Puta, Mircea Groupoids. Lie-Poisson structures and quantization. (English) Proceedings of the international conference on group theory, Timisoara, Romania, 17-20 September, 1992. Timisoara: Univ. Timisoara, Analele Universitatii din Timisoara. 117-123 (1993). MSC 2000: *53D50 20G05 22A22, Reviewer: Ivaïlo M. Mladenov |
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