Journal of Geometry and Symmetry        in Physics     

    ISSN: 1312-5192         e -ISSN: 1314-5673

Published in English
Four quarterly issues of approximately 128 pages each

The   Journal of Geometry and Symmetry in Physics   is a fully-refereed, independent international journal. It aims to facilitate the rapid dissemination, at low cost, of original research articles reporting interesting and potentially important ideas, and invited review articles providing background, perspectives, and useful sources of reference material. In addition to such contributions, the journal welcomes extended versions of talks in the area of geometry of classical and quantum systems delivered at the annual conferences on Geometry, Integrability and Quantization in Bulgaria. An overall idea is to provide a forum for an exchange of information, ideas and inspiration and further development of the international collaboration. The potential authors are kindly invited to submit their papers for consideraion in this Journal either to one of the Associate Editors listed below or to someone of the Editors of the Proceedings series whose expertise covers the research topic, and with whom the author can communicate effectively, or directly to the JGSP Editorial Office at the address given below. More details regarding submission of papers can be found by clicking on "Notes for Authors" button above. The publication program foresees four quarterly issues per year of approximately 128 pages each.

Indexing: The JGSP volumes are indexed and/or abstracted in                                  Mathematical Reviews® (MathSciNet®)           and    

JGSP is an accredited journal used in the evaluation of university rankings  


         SJR (2023) = 0.368

        SNIP (2023) = 0.849

CiteScore (2023) = 1.500

Impact Score (2023) = 0.640    

Bulgarian Journals with    - Index are listed here

Journal Citation Indicator (JCI) is a New Metric introduced by Clarivate which measure the average Category Normalized Citation Impact (CNCI) of citable items (articles & reviews) published by a Journal over a recent three year period. It is used to help you evaluate journals based on other metrics besides the journal Impact Factor (IF). For JGSP these figures are:

Category: Physics, Mathematical    --     JCI(2019)= 0.15,       JCI(2020) = 0.16,        JCI(2022) = 0.20,        JCI(2023) = 0.16

IF(2022) = 0.4,        IF(2023) =  0.5

Bulgarian Journals which are included in WOS Impact Factor scheme for 2024 are listed here

  Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
Google Scholar Metrics 2020     h5-index = 7,    h5-median = 10
Google Scholar Metrics 2019     h5-index = 7,    h5-median = 13
Google Scholar Metrics 2018     h5-index = 10,    h5-median = 14
Google Scholar Metrics 2017    h5-index = 11,    h5-median = 13

Library Exchange: The JGSP welcomes exchange agreements. Proposals for exchange should be sent either to the Editor-in-Chief or to Mrs. Veselina Georgieva who is a head of the relevant department of Bulgarian  Academy of  Sciences.
Please, inform your librarian about this journal and urge him/her to add JGSP to the list of subscriptions or to make a proposal for realization of the exchange scheme.

Sponsors: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Education, Youth and Science, Bulgarian National Science Foundation

Since the beginning of 2017 the whole Content of the Journal is uploaded on the Project Euclid website

A free access to volumes 1-32 (64 % free Content!) is available here, or on the AMS and EMS servers.

If you wish to receive TOC Alerts about future volumes, please registerhere.

Citations of the papers in the Journal should be done by using the abbreviation
J. Geom. Symmetry Phys.

Ivaïlo M. Mladenov

Associate Editors

Jean-Francois Ganghoffer
LEMTA - Universite de Lorraine
2, Avenue de la Foret de Haye
F - 54505 Vandoeuvre, Nancy

Metin Gurses
Department of Mathematics
Bilkent University
06533 Ankara, Turkey

Vasyl Kovalchuk
I. F. T. R.
Polish Academy of Sciences
02-106 Warsaw, Poland

Robert Low
Mathematics and Physics
Coventry University
CV1 5FB Coventry, UK

Charles-Michel Marle
27 avenue du 11 Novembre 1918
92190 Meudon, France

Vassil M. Vassilev
Institute of Mechanics
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Acad. G. Bontchev Str., Block 4
1113 Sofia, Bulgaria

Gregory L. Naber
Department of Mathematics
Drexel University
PA 19104, Philadelphia

John Oprea
Department of Mathematics
Cleveland State University
Cleveland, Ohio 44115, USA

Vladimir Rovenski
Department of Mathematics
University of Haifa
Haifa, Israel

Zhan-Chun Tu
Department of Physics
Beijing Normal University
100875 Beijing, China

Dmitry S. Shirokov
Department of Mathematics
HSE University
Myasnitskaya Str. 20
101000 Moscow, Russia
Gijs Tuynman
UFR de Mathematiques
Universite Lille I
59655 Villeneuve
d’Ascq Cedex, France

Abraham A. Ungar
Department of Mathematics
North Dakota State University
ND 58105, Fargo, USA

Izu Vaisman
Department of Mathematics
University of Haifa
31 905 Haifa, Israel

Alexandar B. Yanovski
Department of Mathematics
University of Cape Town
South Africa

Peter A. Djondjorov
Institute of Mechanics
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Acad. G. Bontchev Str., Block 4
1113 Sofia, Bulgaria

Vladimir K. Dobrev
Institute for Nuclear Research
and Nuclear Energy
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
1784 Sofia, Bulgaria

                   JGSP Editorial Office
Journal of  Geometry and Symmetry in Physics
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of  Mechanics
Acad. G. Bonchev Street, Block 4, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
E-mail:   Web:
Phone: + (359 2) 979 6732     Fax: + (359 2) 872 3787
Technical Assistant: Mr Venelin Chernogorov

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