— CONTENTS OF VOLUME 66 (2023) pp. 1-74 —
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            SJR (2022) = 0.341,     SNIP (2022) = 0.936,      Impact Score (2022) = 0.760



Research Articles

  • Spinor Equation and Operator Algebra
    [Abstract] doi:10.7546/jgsp-66-2023-1-34
    Ying-Qiu Gu

  • Yet Another Mathematical Model of Eggs: Two-Parametric Brandt's Shapes
    [Abstract] doi:10.7546/jgsp-66-2023-35-45
    Clementina D. Mladenova and Ivaïlo M. Mladenov

  • Some Exact Solutions of \(ABC\) and Martínez Alonso-Shabat Equations
    [Abstract] doi:10.7546/jgsp-66-2023-47-58
    Lukasz T. Stepien

  • Weyl Geometric Approach to the Gradient-Flow Equations in Information Geometry
    [Abstract] doi:10.7546/jgsp-66-2023-59-70
    Tatsuaki Wada

Book Review

  • Vassil M. Vassilev (Reviewer)
    Nonlinear Waves and Solitons on Contours and Closed Surfaces 
    by Andrei Ludu


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Last update: June 30, 2023