A Class of Localized Solutions of
the Linear and Nonlinear Wave Equations
[Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review][Full Text - DjVu] doi:10.7546/giq-14-2013-126-141
Lubomir M. Kovachev and Daniela A. Georgieva
Cylindrical Fluid Membranes and the Evolutions
of Planar Curves
[Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review][Full Text - DjVu] doi:10.7546/giq-14-2013-142-151
Petko Marinov,
Mariana Hadzhilazova
and Ivaïlo M.
Symmetry Properties of the Membrane Shape Equation
[Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review][Full Text - DjVu] doi:10.7546/giq-14-2013-152-159
Vladimir Pulov, Edy Chacarov,
Mariana Hadzhilazova
and Ivaïlo M.
Some Remarks on the Exponential Map on the Groups SO(n) and SE(n)
[Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review][Full Text - DjVu] doi:10.7546/giq-14-2013-160-175
Ramona-Andreea Rohan
Conformal Form of Pseudo-Riemannian Metrics by
Normal Coordinate Transformations II
[Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review][Full Text - DjVu] doi:10.7546/giq-14-2013-176-200
Antonio de Siqueira
The Dynamics of the Field of Linear Frames and Gauge Gravitation
[Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review][Full Text - DjVu] doi:10.7546/giq-14-2013-201-214
Jan J. Sławianowski and Agnieszka Martens
On Multicomponent Derivative Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation Related to Symmetric Spaces
[Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review][Full Text - DjVu] doi:10.7546/giq-14-2013-215-226
Tihomir I. Valchev
2D Novel Structures Along an Optical Fiber
[Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review][Full Text - DjVu] doi:10.7546/giq-14-2013-227-243
Charles-Julien Vandamme and Stefan C. Mancas
Unduloid-Like Equilibrium Shapes of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes Under Pressure
[Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review][Full Text - DjVu] doi:10.7546/giq-14-2013-244-252
Vassil M. Vassilev
Expansions Over Adjoint
Solutions for the Caudrey-Beals-Coifman System with
Reductions of Mikhailov Type
[Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review][Full Text - DjVu] doi:10.7546/giq-14-2013-253-268
Alexander B. Yanovski