Deformed Squeezed State Solution to the
Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process
Boyka Aneva
Schrödinger Minimum Uncertainty States of EM-Field in Nonstationary
Media with Negative Differential Conductivity
Andrey Angelow and Dimitar Trifonov
Solvable and/or integrable many-body models on a circle
Oksana Bihun and Francesco Calogero
Euler Decomposition in Non-Orthogonal Bases
[Abstract][Full Text - DjVu]
Danail Brezov, Clementina Mladenova and Ivaïlo Mladenov
A Model Suitable for Numerical Investigation of Beam-Soliton
Interaction in Electrostatic Plasmas
Evstati G. Evstatiev
On Soliton Equations with
Conservation Laws and Generating Operators
Vladimir S. Gerdjikov and Alexandar B. Yanovski
On Soliton Interactions for
the Hierarchy of a Generalised Heisenberg Ferromagnetic Model
Symmetric Space
V. Gerdjikov, G. Grahovski, A. Mikhailov and T. Valchev
On the Persistence Properties of the Cross-Coupled Camassa-Holm
David Henry, Darryl Holm and Rossen Ivanov
Four Points Linearizable Lattice Schemes
Decio Levi and Christian Scimiterna
Classical and Quantum Symmetries Reduction and
Giuseppe Marmo, Giovanni Sparano and Gaetano Vilasi
Parametric Representations of SO(n) Orthogonal
Matrices for the Purposes of Quadratic Stability Analysis
[Abstract][Full Text - DjVu]
Clementina Mladenova, Fan Zhang and
Dirk Söffker
On Ventcel's Type Boundary Condition for Laplace Operator in a
Petar Popivanov and Angela Slavova
Delaunay Surfaces in Terms of Weierstrassian Functions
[Abstract][Full Text - DjVu]
Vladimir I. Pulov, Mariana Ts. Hadzhilazova and Ivaïlo M. Mladenov
Mapping Between Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations with Real and
Complex Potentials
Mario Salerno
Repulsive Gravity of Light Beams
Giovanni Sparano and Gaetano Vilasi
Role of the Nonlinear Coupling in the
Collision Dynamics of Quasi-Particles Governed by Vector
Michail Todorov
On the Quadratic Bundles Related to Hermitian Symmetric Spaces
Tihomir I. Valchev
System with Constant Boundary Conditions. Reflectionless
Potentials and End Point Singularities
Tihomir Valchev, Rossen Ivanov and Vladimir Gerdjikov
Analytic Representation of a Class of Axially Symmetric Willmore Surfaces
[Abstract][Full Text - DjVu]
Vassil Vassilev, Peter Djondjorov,
Mariana Hadzhilazova and Ivaïlo Mladenov
Killing Forms on Kerr-NUT-(A) dS Spaces of Einstein-Sasaki Type
Mihai Visinescu
Recursion Operators and Expansions Over Adjoint
Solutions for the Caudrey-Beals-Coifman System with
$\Mathbb{Z}_P$ Reductions of Mikhailov Type
Alexandar Yanovski