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  • Generalized Inverses
    [Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi:10.7546/giq-22-2021-13-32
    Dragan S. Djordjevic

  • On the Noncommutative Feynman Problem
    [Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi:10.7546/giq-22-2021-35-42
    Ciprian Sorin Acatrinei

  • Lie Theory Suffices to Resolve the Local Classical Problem of Time
    [Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi:10.7546/giq-22-2021-43-63
    Edward Anderson

  • Quantum Stochastic Products and the Quantum Convolution
    [Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi:10.7546/giq-22-2021-64-77
    Paolo Aniello

  • Canonical Almost Geodesic Mappings of the First Type of Spaces with Affine Connection Onto Generalized 2-Ricci-Symmetric Spaces
    [Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi:10.7546/giq-22-2021-78-87
    Volodymyr Berezovski, Yevhen Cherevko, Svitlana Leshchenko and Josef Mikes

  • Some Structural Properties of Semidirect Sums of \(\mathfrak{so}(3)\) and Abelian Lie Algebras
    [Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi:10.7546/giq-22-2021-88-106
    Rutwig Campoamor-Stursberg

  • Geometric and Quantum Properties of Charged Particles in Monochromatic Electromagnetic Knot Background
    [Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi:10.7546/giq-22-2021-107-120
    Adina V. Crisan and Ion V. Vancea
  • Yang-Mills Equations of General Connections and a Certain Solutions in the Quaternionic Hopf Fibration Over Four-Sphere
    [Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi:10.7546/giq-22-2021-121-135
    Kensaku Kitada
  • Extremals and Isoperimetric Extremals of the Rotations in the Plane
    [Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi:10.7546/giq-22-2021-136-141
    Jan Krizek, Josef Mikes, Patrik Peska and Lenka Ryparova

  • On Coordinate Expressions of Jet Groups and their Representations
    [Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi:10.7546/giq-22-2021-142-153
    Miroslav Kures

  • Cayley Map for Symplectic Groups
    [Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi:10.7546/giq-22-2021-154-164
    Clementina D. Mladenova and Ivaïlo M. Mladenov

  • Algebra of Superalgebraic Spinors as Algebra of Second Quantization of Fermions
    [Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi:10.7546/giq-22-2021-165-187
    Vadim Monakhov and Alexey Kozhedub

  • The Transformation of Commutative Phase Space to Noncommutative One, and its Lorentz Transformation-Like Forms
    [Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi:10.7546/giq-22-2021-188-198
    Makoto Nakamura, Hiroshi Kakuhata and Kouichi Toda

  • On the Geometry of Submersions
    [Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi: 10.7546/giq-22-2021-199-208
    Abdigappar Narmanov and Xurshid Sharipov

  • Star Product on the Euclidean Motion Group in the Plane
    [Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi:10.7546/giq-22-2021-209-218
    Laarni B. Natividad and Job A. Nable

  • A Plethora of Non-Bending Surfaces of Revolution: Classifications and Explicit Parameterizations
    [Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi: 10.7546/giq-22-2021-219-241
    Vladimir Pulov and Ivaïlo M. Mladenov

  • Generalized Weyl Quantization and Time
    [Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi:10.7546/giq-22-2021-242-252
    Daisy A. Romeo and Job A. Nable

  • An Integral Formula for a Riemannian Manifold with k>2 Singular Distributions
    [Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi:10.7546/giq-22-2021-253-262
    Vladimir Rovenski

  • Examples of Four- or Six-Dimensional Symplectic-Haantjes Manifolds and About a Relationship with Recursion Operators
    [Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi: 10.7546/giq-22-2021-263-273
    Tsukasa Takeuchi

  • Multicomponent Nonlinear Evolution Equations of the Heisenberg Ferromagnet Type: Local Versus Nonlocal Reductions
    [Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi:10.7546/giq-22-2021-274-285
    Tihomir Valchev

  • 4+1-Moulton Configuration and Positive Mass Deformation
    [Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi:10.7546/giq-22-2021-286-300
    Naoko Yoshimi and Akira Yoshioka

  • Star Mittag-Leffler Function
    [Abstract][Math Rev][ZB Review] doi:10.7546/giq-22-2021-301-307
    Akira Yoshioka

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