Slides of some presentations
Name   Semsi Eken
Talk   Conformality in semi-Riemannian Context [Slides]
Affiliation   Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey


Name   Amir H. Fathollahi
Talk   0-Brane Matrix Dynamics for QCD Purposes: Regge Trajectories [Slides]
Affiliation   Kyungpook Alzahra University, Iran


Name   Georgi Ganchev
Talk   Explicit Solving of the Natural Partial Differential Equations of Minimal Surfaces [Slides]
Affiliation   Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, BAS, Bulgaria

Name   Vladimir S. Gerdjikov
Talk   Systems of MKdV Equations Related to the Affine Lie Algebras
Affiliation   Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, BAS, Bulgaria


Name   Barbara Gołubowska, Vasyl Kovalchuk and Ewa Eliza Rożko
Talk   On Systems of Deformable Bodies with Internal Degrees of Freedom [Slides]
Affiliation   Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Poland


Name   Erhan Güler and Masashi Yasumoto
Talk   Bour Surface Companions in Space Forms [Slides]
Affiliation   Bartın University, Turkey


Name   Fatma Gürler and Cihan Özgür
Talk   f-Biminimal Immersions [Slides]
Affiliation   Balıkesir University, Turkey

Name   Metin Gürses
Talk   Integrable Curves and Surfaces Lectures 1-4    Lecture 5   
Affiliation   Bilkent University, Turkey


Name   Saban Güvenç and Cihan Özgür
Talk   Slant Curves in S-space Forms [Slides]
Affiliation   Balıkesir University, Turkey


Name   Alexandar Ianovsky
Talk   Some Aspects of the Spectral Theory for $\asl(3,\mathbb{C})$ System with $\mathbb{Z}_2\times \mathbb{Z}_2\times \mathbb{Z}_2$ Reduction of Mikhailov Type with General Position Boundary Conditions [Slides]
Affiliation   University of Cape Town, South Africa

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Last updated: 17/06/2015