Slides of some presentations
Name   Kadri Arslan
Talk   Normal Transport Surfaces in Euclidean 4-space $E^4$[Slides]
Affiliation   Arts and Science Faculty, Turkey


Name   Stephen ~C. ~Anco, Esmaeel Asadi and A.~M.~G. Ahmed
Talk   Non-local and Local Nonlinear Shrödinger Equation from Geometric Curve Flows in Low Dimensional Hermitian Symmetric Space [Slides]
Affiliation   Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic
Sciences (IASBS), Iran


Name   Eugenio Aulisa Hansameenu Wigenayaka and David Gilliam
Talk   Error Analysis in an Iterative Algorithm for the Solution of the Regulator Equations for Distributed Parameter Systems[Slides]
Affiliation   Texas Tech University, Matematics and Statistics, USA

Name   Cornelia-Livia Bejan
Talk   Harmonic Structures with Respect to Natural Metrics
Affiliation   Technical University, Romania


Name   Betül Bulca
Talk   On Some Semi-parallel Surfaces in Euclidean Space [Slides]
Affiliation   Arts and Science Faculty, Turkey


Name   Alexander Burinskii
Talk   Gravitating Bag as Source of the Kerr Geometry: Combining the Naked and Dressed Electron in an Integrated Bag-String-Quark System [Slides]
Affiliation   NSI Russian Acad. Sciences, Russia


Name   Jong Taek Cho
Talk   CR-Structure and Levi Form on Real Hypersurfaces of Kahlerian Manifolds [Slides]
Affiliation   Chonnam National University, Korea

Name   Ivko Dimitric
Talk   A Study of Low-Type Submanifolds in Complex Projective and Hyperbolic Spaces [Slides]
Affiliation   Penn State Univiversity Fayette, USA


Name   Tomasz Dobrowolski
Talk   Curvature Effects in 1-D and 2-D Josephson Junctions [Slides]
Affiliation   Institute of Physics UP, Poland


Name   Veliko Donchev, Clementina Mladenova and Ivaïlo Mladenov
Talk   Vector Parameter Forms of $SU(1,1)$, $SL(2,{\mathbb R})$ and their Connection with $SO(2,1)$ [Slides]
Affiliation   Sofia University, Bulgaria

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Last updated: 17/06/2015